Sunday, September 1, 2013

Make a Different Choice

    Since H has been writing a lot about starting a healthy lifestyle this week, I decided I might as well join in. She's totally right when she talks about how we just need to stop procrastinating and start making changes. So today I started planning out this weeks meals and making some preparations. I consulted my lovely friend, Google, and gathered ideas for simple, healthy meals. I'd like to think I could just jump right in and make gorgeous, gourmet, nutritious meals, but unfortunately I can't. So I'm just starting with the basics. I got a piece of paper and wrote down ideas/recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I looked up basic cereals, smoothies, and parfaits, and listed a few sandwiches, wraps, and stir-frys. Tomorrow, hopefully, I can plan out each day's meals individually, and make a couple things ahead of time (hummus, chicken, etc.)
    Also, in the last year, I've kind of stopped working out like I used to. It's not like I never work out at all, but I've just stopped making it a priority. I've stopped pushing myself. That needs to change too. Volleyball is good, but eventually it will end, and when it does, I can't just quit exercising! I don't want to get to college and realize I don't know how to motivate myself. I have people around me now, like H, who are willing to help me through, but I might not always have them. I'm tired of wasting my time and not taking advantage of every day. Every day is a day I could change, but I'm not changing. 
    The truth is, with all the craziness that this year will entail, I should be eating and working out a lot better than I am. Sounds easy enough, but like H said, it has to be a commitment. One healthy day, or even healthy week, just isn't enough. I always complain about how much time and effort it takes, but every important thing takes effort. If being fit didn't take any work, everyone would be there. Only the people that work hard achieve their goals. I guess it's about time we put in the work.
Sincerely, B

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