Saturday, August 31, 2013

Just One Meal

Earlier this week I found a picture that really put things into perspective for me. It reminds me that doing something once, doesn't make a difference. I go through my life thinking about things all wrong. Whenever I eat a bad meal, I feel horrible and I am so mad at myself. I feel as though I'm getting fatter by the second. (Ridiculous, I know) The truth is that we are able to have a bad meal every once in awhile and it's ok. At the same time however, one good meal isn't going to make me skinny, or even more fit. Whenever I eat a good meal, I feel good about myself and I think that I am making a big difference. Now, part of that is true, but if I don't continue to eat well, then that one meal really doesn't matter. It's similar to the quote that says, "It took more than a day to gain it, and it will take more than a day to lose it." While it is good to do the little things that will make big changes, if we don't keep working hard and making more changes, we won't improve at all. This is something I really need to work on. I always eat well for a day or two and then I expect everything to change. That isn't how it works at all. We have to keep adding onto our existing good choices, if we want things to get better. Tomorrow I will be attempting to prepare some healthy food items for this week so that it will be easier for me to eat well throughout the week. It will not be perfect at first, but it's another step in the right direction. 
                                           Sincerely H

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