Thursday, August 1, 2013

Doctor's Orders

Today has been another difficult day. I dealt with strong cravings for both chocolate and sweets. It was very hard to resist the urge and not eat anything on the No Junk Food Challenge restricted list. I felt so trapped and overwhelmed. Note to Self: Do not watch cooking shows/shows with food. I tried my best to resist the temptation, but unfortunately I caved. I had a handful of animal crackers and a chocolate chip Clif Bar. Then later, I had some more animal crackers and an apple with caramel. I have to say not my finest day. I know it might not sound like a big deal considering what I ate, but it's an issue of staying true to myself and making an effort. I let myself down and that's the biggest problem. 
Today I also went to an Alegent Quick Clinic at a Hyvee to have my sports physical done for school. It all went well, except for when I had to do the duck walk. My inner thighs were so sore from yesterday's Bootcamp that it made it very difficult. Also, during the routine asking of questions, the nurse asked me about my milk intake. I regrettably had to say that I don't drink milk, which I know is extremely bad. Without milk, our bones can't grow and they become very weak. Unhappy with what I said (obviously), she gave me some helpful advice. She informed me that I need to be drinking 24 ounces of milk a day. She told me that a good way for me to get milk is if I drink A Carnation Breakfast Essentials shake (chocolate or strawberry) for breakfast everyday. (Carnation Breakfast Essentials is a powdered mix that you add to milk. It's kind of like a protein shake/meal replacement shake.) I also recently went to the dentist and they told me that my teeth are weak and there might be 1-2 cavities forming. They even gave me a special toothpaste to help remineralize my teeth. I know the shake doesn't exactly fit into the guidelines for the No Junk Food Challenge, but right now my bone health is more important. In order for me to change my life, I need to make every aspect of my life healthy. So I'm starting one step at a time. 
                                    Sincerely H

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