Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Healthy Pledge

Well today I (B) got together with H for what was supposed to be a study session, but ended as an inspiring conversation about health and fitness. Between bowls of cookie-dough topped frozen yogurt (oops! So much for healthy...) we chatted about our goals and motivation. We discussed Bob Harper's skinny rules, and the start of volleyball, but mostly we talked about the "Healthy Pledge." It's a really inspiring pledge that H found on Pinterest and basically sums up what we want to commit to this year, and for the rest of our lives.

The fact is, eating well and working out isn't something you can do for a short time and then ignore. It's a lifelong commitment that sooner or later you will have to confront. We agreed that fitness is something we want to work towards now. We don't want to wait until we're overweight or dying because we didn't take care of ourselves. Now, I know that sounds dramatic, but with our family genes it could happen quite easily. We want to workout as a choice, not because we need to.

Part of the pledge says "Even if I slip up 100 times, tomorrow is always a new day." Everone messes up; we can't help it because we're all human! But don't let that keep you discouraged. Don't let it affect what you do the next day. Every day is a chance at a new start and another step towards health and happiness, so don't give up.
H and I really want to make a change right now, so we have decided that we are going to dive in head first. We are going to take every precaution, in order to succeed this time. We are going to be tough on ourselves and each other. We are going to write out the "Healthy Pledge" and sign and date it, saying that we are completely serious. Changing your life is no small task and I'm sure that we have no idea what we are undertaking.  
                                           Sincerely B

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