Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Eat For The Body You Want

     Today I want to talk about "eating healthy". Again. I feel like this is all fitness/health blogs talk about, but probably because it's important. With all the craziness of life, it's easy for us to make excuses about things that seem small. Eating healthy, or "clean", is one of those things we tend to think of as not a big deal -- or at least I do. But the fact is, we all know it's necessary to eat good foods if we want to live the best life we can. We should want to live the best life we can and be the best version of ourselves we can be, right? We should do everything we can to respect our bodies, because they're a gift. How can we respect ours bodies if we're constantly filling them with junk?
      I've always heard the statistic that 10% of how we look is genes, 10% is exercise, and 80% is how we eat. You know the quote "dress for the job you want, not the one you have"? Today I found the fitness equivalent: "Eat for the body you want, not the body you have." I've been so frustrated lately, because even when I'm working out more than normal, I haven't seen any change in my body. It's so confusing - how could I work hard and have nothing happen? But today I realized it's probably because I've been eating for the body I have, rather than the one I want. I've been eating for the flabby arms, and not-so-toned legs. When I think about the body I want, I don't see any of those things. I see tight, toned, and slender. So I need to start eating that way. That means more protein, more fresh and whole foods, and less "junk". Yes, it's hard, but it's necessary. My ideal self wouldn't eat tons of take out and ice cream just cause it tasted good. That doesn't mean I have to go crazy and never eat sugar, just focus more on natural foods that have the vitamins and minerals my body needs.
     So try this: picture yourself in the future - the person you want to be... compare that with what you're doing currently. Are they the same? If you're anything like me, they're not. Try writing out the differences, and figuring out ways you can improve your habits to become that person. If you want to be fit and healthy some day, why not start now? Rather than saying "I'll start my diet tomorrow" dedicate yourself to eating well today. Our bodies deserve to be taken care of. So why wait?
Sincerely, B

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